Hotel Fregata
Hotel Fregata
Hotel "Fregata" is located 150 - 200 meters from the sea.
The stage of the Youth Center "VALKO" is an appropriately equipped space (stage and auditorium) intended for concerts, show programs, games, rehearsals and discos. Concert venue "VALKO" is a stage measuring 9 by 7.60 meters with a wooden covering under a canopy. On stage are: screen, screen and projector for multi-presentations, lighting equipment (white and colored, directional and ambient lighting), equipment with soap bubbles and stage smoke. Sound reproduction equipment includes: a mixing console, amplifier, 4 speakers, two radio microphones and two microphone stands.

The restaurant has three coolers with cold and hot water and two coolers with soft non-carbonated drinks. Water can be taken at any time between 08:00 and 23:20.
Food and beverages may not be taken out of the restaurant.

Hotel Fregata has its own restaurant. The kitchen is staffed by excellent chefs from the northern coast of Bulgaria, who exquisitely add national flavor to seemingly familiar and traditional European dishes.
The restaurant of MC "VALKO" is located on the first floor of the hotel "Fregata", on the corridor behind the reception desk. It has three levels: main (indoor), middle (under the canopy), upper (on the terrace under the canopy overlooking the stage).
Swimming pool
A swimming pool is not only a place for recreation and entertainment, but also a great opportunity for physical development. Swimming is a great form of exercise that promotes health, builds endurance and improves coordination.
Our aquatic space is the place to be for aquatic events. Our pool offers a variety of games, competitions and celebrations that promote team spirit and socialization.

Sports ground
The sports ground of the Youth Center "VALKO" is the following
an open area measuring 20 by 14 meters with an embankment (sand),
surrounded by foam mesh. Portable
soccer goal and volleyball net.